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    E-rate State Information: Alaska

    Page Contents

    Education Department / Lunch Information

    Dept. of Education Website
    State Lunch Numbers

    Estimate Your Category Two School/District Budget

    Category Two Budget CalculatorBudget Calculator

    State E-rate Coordinators

    State Coordinator:
    NameAja Razumny
    TitleLibrary Development Coordinator
    Area CoveredLibraries
    AddressP.O. 110571
    Juneau, AK 99811-0571
    Phone(907) 465-2458
    Fax(907) 465-2665

    Technology Plan Approvers

    The information contained in this section was obtained from the Schools and Libraries Division of USAC’s website (

    Primary ContactRoxanne Mourant
    TitleEducational Technology Program Manager
    Address801 West Tenth Street, Suite 200
    Juneau, AK 99811
    Phone(907) 465-8578
    Fax(907) 465-1686
    Alternate ContactValerie Oliver
    TitleAlaska E-rate Coordinator
    Address344 W. 3rd Avenue, Suite 125
    Anchorage AK 99501
    Phone(907) 227-4051
    Fax(907) 465-2151

    E-rate Summary

    The table below shows state-wide E-rate summary information for the E-rate Funding Years indicated.

    Year Requests Requested Committed Disbursed
    2024 305 $311,171,994.91 $231,441,766.49 $61,693,436.93
    2023 250 $130,641,702.31 $130,121,838.05 $122,422,377.66
    2022 277 $130,503,757.91 $129,955,262.69 $126,078,301.68

    Source: E-rate Manager® (Current as of 1/15/2025 5:27 AM CST)

    E-rate Non-traditional Student Eligibility

    The information contained in this section was obtained from the Eligibility Table for Non-Traditional Education page for Schools and Library Applicants of the Schools and Libraries Divison of USAC.

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